Monday, February 27, 2006

Why so busy?

So, I wanted to pre-date this entry because I'm such a loser! Yes, February has come & nearly gone already, and I've only managed to post one measly blog entry. Pathetic. I know. Is there nothing but a black hole between my ears? No, I'm pretty sure I do actually have thoughts - maybe as much as one or two a day, man.

This is turning into a confessional, huh? Forgive me father, for I have sinned. It's been over 3 weeks since my last confession. Well, OK - it wasn't any sort of real 'confession', nothing juicy at least. Just a list of stuff that sucks. And anyway, I'm Jewish! We don't confess. We just kvetch, bargain-shop & eat. (OK, well, not me really, since I'm far from your average jewish-american gal, I hate complainers, and I'm usually a healthy eater. But I do love to bargain-shop. That stereotype is definitely true.)

So, what's been going on? Too much. And yet, I still feel like the laziest lump half the time. There's so much I want to do - and sometimes I feel so accomplished - but most of the time I just wish for more time. They just released another study about how we Americans are such a workaholic culture, that we don't get nearly enough sleep. And when you don't get at least 8 hours, everything in your life suffers. But what a waste! To spend 1/3 of your life sleeping? I mean, don't get me wrong -- I looooove me some sleep! But if I could operate on or re-awaken via a couple Duracell that I just pop in whenever I'm feeling ragged, I'd invest my life savings behind a miracle product like that!

OK - yes, I totally realized as soon as I got to the battery part of that sentence that it could all so easily go straight into the gutter. But I refrained. Sometimes I'm such a dorky 13-year old boy.

So, I'll end this pointless post with yet another list - this time, just some stuff I need to get around to writing about, the things that have been keeping my life so busy...
  1. (Hoping to) pursue a masters in Forensic Psychology this fall
  2. Taking undergrad pre-req psych classes in the meantime at Community College (woo-hoo! Go HCCC!)
  3. My consulting work - not the boring "what I do", but the amusingly stupid, silly & juicy stories about clients and colleagues
  4. My recent birthday celebration!
  5. Recording the music that's been locked inside my head for over a decade
  6. Kickboxing, losing weight, and learning to love all my "wobbly bits" (thank you, Bridget Jones)
  7. My much-loved, eclectic friends from every corner of the globe
  8. Family - the good, the bad, the ugly, and the fall-on-my-ass funny (when all you can do is laugh)
  9. My boyfriend's band, Excuse Me - getting to live vicariously (at least for now) through his gigs
  10. Seeking, doubting, pursuing, and finally finding love - the kind that poets & songwriters describe so sappily, and you finally can comprehend just what they were talking about all along... Yes - I now am a cheesy, converted & certifiable (in more ways than one) believer!


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