Sunday, December 25, 2005

Quotes for the day

It's Christmas Day! And do you know what that means? Nothing! Yup, boring day in bed watching senseless TV or, if lucky, a few good DVDs -- at least that's what it means to the good little jewish girls of the world.

So, I decided to rummage through a few old things. Had a mini emotional breakdown reading a few old letters from an ex I never realized at the time had honestly given me his entire heart (and I sooo F'd that one up); and then came across a few scribbles from high school. Whenever class grew boring or a teacher said something remarkably stupid yet profound, I'd scribble down 1-liners. Here's a few from my '92 datebook (hope to find stuff from college soon - I had some really good ones then!)...
When you reach for a star, there's a long way to fall.
Life works in all gears -- except reverse.
Men are the thorns that pierce the soul.
Death is just God's way of saying, " Hey! You're not alive anymore!" (a teacher honestly said that)
Recognize and savor the comedy of drama & drama of comedy.
Why should we sip from the teacup when we can drink from the river?
Jealousy symbolizes the bond two people share by magnifying their differences. (I'm not too sure about that one)
Few make it to the green, while others fight their entire lives out of the sandtraps.
Performing artists are flawed gems in the crown of life. (huh?)
Love... it's free, but not always accessible.
No one wants to go to a restaurant that has no cars parked outside. (Oh, soooo true. And wisdom that can be applied to other aspects of life, even dating...)
And my favorite (of the bunch):
If you fill your heart with hope, there won't be room for hurt.
Then, there are the philosophies, or more aptly, truths, more so than merely 'quotables'...
Change is the only constant in the universe.
Men come to love the women they're attracted to, while women become attracted to the men they love. (Words ain't never been spoken more true!)


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