Thursday, February 02, 2006

Things That Suck (#1)

A lot of time has passed since my last post, and much has happened in that time. I think I need to take 'baby steps' in this new blogging hobby, just posting little tidbits when an opportunity arises, instead of always 'planning' topics I just keep seeming to put off.

So, my brief post for today...
Things that suck (as in "Man, how the hell can gas stations sell gas cheaper heading into the Holland Tunnel than those located 1 block away, driving out of the tunnel? NJ sucks, man." -- and yes, I plan on posting "Top Ten Reasons Why NJ Sucks" soon, possibly followed by "Reasons Why NJ Ain't All THAT Bad"...)

  1. One name: Dubya.
  2. Insane price of textbooks college folks must buy (who, logic would suggest, generally aren't that well off - else, they wouldn't be pursuing a degree, but rather earning some dough)
  3. Commuting for more than 40 minutes (unless it's a simple, straight commute in which you can read, work, sleep...).
  4. When your supermarket hasn't restocked yet, and the only milk carton you can find says it'll expire / go bad in 2 days.
  5. Potholes you can't avoid b/c of parked cars on both sides.
  6. Carson Daly & Ryan Seacrest's hosting skills.
  7. Wedgies.
  8. How a Cinnabon never tastes as good as it smells.
  9. Frizzy hair; being a slave to my salon's magic serum.
  10. Health insurance plans that make me get a stupid referral slip from my doctor every stinkin' time I want to see a 'specialist' (translation: ANY doctor that isn't her). Ummm, am I still in 2nd grade? Will I need a hall pass to piss, too?
  11. The asian girl who rode my subway this morning -- with large Louis Vuitton purse & Henry Bendel bag in hand, 7-diamond engagement ring on. Awww, honey... What -- did Jeeves catch the flu & couldn't pull the limo around today?
  12. Sleep deprivation.
  13. People who insist on talking super-loud on their cell phone during my bus ride home, or actually seem annoyed you want to sit with them. Did you honestly think you'd get to keep taking up 2 seats while ten folks stand???
  14. Air-brushed, super-long, curved, acrylic / artificial fingernails (though it is funny watching the beeyatches struggle to swipe their Metrocard, pick up loose change, scratch an itchy eye...)
  15. Sitting in one position so long that when you try to get up, it takes your butt at least 10 seconds to re-adjust its muscles so you don't scream out in pain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear your top 10 on why NJ sucks!! I am getting out of this crappy state in 7 months and 20 days!!! Not soon enough for me!

11/09/2007 6:28 PM  

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