Celebrity love match
When you reach for a star, there's a long way to fall.
Life works in all gears -- except reverse.
Men are the thorns that pierce the soul.
Death is just God's way of saying, " Hey! You're not alive anymore!" (a teacher honestly said that)
Recognize and savor the comedy of drama & drama of comedy.
Why should we sip from the teacup when we can drink from the river?
Jealousy symbolizes the bond two people share by magnifying their differences. (I'm not too sure about that one)
Few make it to the green, while others fight their entire lives out of the sandtraps.
Performing artists are flawed gems in the crown of life. (huh?)
Love... it's free, but not always accessible.
No one wants to go to a restaurant that has no cars parked outside. (Oh, soooo true. And wisdom that can be applied to other aspects of life, even dating...)
Then, there are the philosophies, or more aptly, truths, more so than merely 'quotables'...If you fill your heart with hope, there won't be room for hurt.
Change is the only constant in the universe.Men come to love the women they're attracted to, while women become attracted to the men they love. (Words ain't never been spoken more true!)
Sent: Monday, Mar 14, 2005 5:00 PM
Subject: Greetings from (my final day in) Barcelona!
Hola, at last!
My 'vacation' is nearing its end, as I fly back home tomorrow morning w/ a brief stop in Madrid.
Yesterday was my 2nd day of the tour bus deal I purchased. They drive you around on 2 different routes (you can hop on & off), and starting March 18 (unfortunately) they add a 3rd route.
So, Saturday I did the northern route, as prev. mentioned -- saw Park Guell (park way uphill designed by Gaudi - lots of mosaic pieces & stone shapes)...
...La Sagrada Familia (enormous cathedral originally started by Gaudi in 1896? and being
continued today & for the next 20 years -- climbed
706 steps b/c the elevator was closed [arrived late], then had to descend another 706 steps!), and a few stops in between.
Then on Sunday,
did the southern route, stopping at Joan Miro museum, the Olympic ring / park, and a few stops in between. I also bought a ticket to a concert in the
Palau de la Musica (near my apt) to see the European Union orchestra performing
Bach, Haydn & Mozart. If you can imagine or believe, I think I've been averaging 10-18 miles a day, considering I'm on my feet (and most of the time walking) for at least 8 hours each day... Aside from the chocolate croissants (!), at least can't say I haven't been getting my exercise!!
Took a really HOT bath last night, for my feet. I definitely think there is some conspiracy on Sunday mornings with the hot water. Just like last week when mom was still w/ me in Seville, I had NO hot water - not even warm! just freeeezing cold - in the morning. There surely is some sort of nationwide Spanish conspiracy going on, or at least a shortage on the church morning. And then the shower curtain fell down. There's nowhere to hang a wet towel, and the maid has never entered my room (and I believe, never even the apt), so I tried slinging it over the shower curtain's rod. Mistake. Decided to try putting it back up this morning (successfully, thank goodness), since I couldn't manage the IKEA-thing w/o making lots of screeching noise. Didn't want the sewage smell [from their newly installed bidets] & fallen shower-curtain rod to really give me away as the worst hotel guest ever...
Anyway, today (Monday) was quite the good day. I slept in a bit, sort of - woke up as usual around 7am, but kept deciding to go back to sleep for another 20 minutes. Finally got out of bed around 10:30, and got ready for my day out. Eduardo (the handsome charmer who has been emailing from the B&B business) stopped by in response to my most recent email. He believes, it turns out, that the sewage smell is from the bidet in each of the bathrooms, since they've never been used, and any water in the pipe's curve is just sitting there, sending gross smells up to us. Thank goodness - I was afraid they'd think my emailed compaints were a mask for my own smelliness.
I told Eduardo I feel like I'm constantly complaining in these emails, and that I don't usually (considering how low-maintenance I am), but that other future guests won't be as such. He said he appreciated all the 'complaints' and considers them as 'advice', that he wants me to continue & feel free to tell him everything I suggest. Hmmm, I hope that isn't just European BS b/c there's a lot more I could suggest. I at least got to ask about the non-existent maid, and he said they only do the common areas (kitchen, living room) unless you specifically request cleaning your area. Wha...? Insane. Didn't tell him about the shower curtain rod, but got the point across by raising issue about there being nowhere to hang the wet towel, that w/o maids we need more towels, considering we've been using the SAME towels for 5 days w/ nowhere to hang them when they're wet, etc. Plus, no dishwashing soap. We're just 'dry-wiping' them. Oy. And oy again.
Now, back to the good day. Stopped by Bijou Brigitte (that jewelry store, sis), and bought a necklace & headband. They even had earrings to match the ('lifesavers') necklace I bought w/ you, but decided I didn't want to look like a 50-year old lady
or a Christmas tree. Then I walked up to a Gaudi building "Batllo House". Viewing the main floor, attics & chimneys was 16€, which is rather steep
(though I had a 20% discount coupon from the tour bus). I decided to go ahead -
and let me tell you, WELL WORTH IT. Amazing things! I want my
house built just like it, one day when I 'make it big'. Couldn't stop taking pictures. Then walked over to the other Gaudi building nearby, but decided only to take photos from
outside, and check out the gift shop to see postcards or books with photos of the inside to see what I was missing. Another definite must-see next time, or at least to buy a book on eBay with lots of pictures...
I started walking back & found a sort of artisan mall, even though this was still the rather more expensive shopping area of town. After some window shopping, decided to stop in a jewelry/beauty product (like 'Crabtree & Evelyn' type of stuff) store. Let me tell you, [sister], you'd have a ball with this stuff, I think. I ended up loving a LOT of stuff but felt it was all too expensive. I chose to walk away & think about it. After 20 minutes I decided it'd be one of those things I'd really regret not buying, so I went back. The lady (Monica) & I had chatted before, and we continued quite a lot more - she ended up saying if I'd come in earlier in my trip, we would've gone out for drinks. She's originally from Belgium, and her husband & his family are originally from Lodz, Poland! His name is Cornblum - sound familiar maybe, DAD? [my dad's birthplace] She said he also grew up there around WWII. She only had 2 lines of jewelry in the store - PILGRIM (www.pilgrim.dk) and an Israeli line (which I recognized & know is really huge in Israel right now), Michael Negrin, I think. So, I bought a ring (27€) & bracelet (39€), though I would've bought more if the Euro/dollar ratio wasn't so bad.
I ended the evening by taking the subway to Barceloneta, an area known for its seafood restaurants, splurged a tiny bit on a full dinner, and found a nice cafe w/ 1 computer for internet. Heading home soon (in cab, no doubt - I'm ready to put my feet in casts) to pack & hopefully (!) wake up in time for my flight early tomorrow.
Hope you found some amusement from my trials & tribulations once again. I'm sure there's lots more funny to write, but I'll keep some embarassments to myself... Love,
- me
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 5:12 PM
Subject: Greetings from Barcelona!
Anyway, a guy finally shows up almost 1 hour late - Eduardo - extremely (I mean damn!) handsome, and extremely embarrassed & apologetic. He doesn´t have the keys, and can´t reach the girl who does. So, long story short, he brings me up to an apt very similar, but is being worked on by the handyman. Apt looks like straight out of IKEA (and actually is...). Very nice, interesting. Says we´ll put you up here for the night. I say, I really don´t want to have to switch over again (keeping [my brother-in-law's] ¨stick-to-it-tiveness¨ in my head), and I also ask about the en-suite, since he´s showing me the room that has to share a bathroom w/ another room. I told him about the email I got, and finally convinced him. He puts me there, gives me keys, shows me on my map stuff to see & avoid for the next day, etc. and leaves. I decide not to go out for dinner, to just get into bed & read book. I´m in pajamas... and the girl rings the bell (she´s with the handsome fella), and chats me up about the "mix-up", tries to get me to agree to move again tomorrow, but I'm not budging. I'm tired & embarrassingly in my PJs, and they left me out in the cold, dark & strange city all by myself for nearly one hour w/ suitcases in hand on the street, no bathroom in site... very unprofessional for a B&B. She's a bit more stubborn than Eduardo, but the facts convince her.
Anyway, lovely room, and I start trying to go to sleep - and I hear keys in the door. So, turns out other guests (I met them this evening - nice couple from Germany) are put in one of the shared-bathroom rooms. Weird, no? And the guy opens my bedroom door & quickly closes it when he realizes he sees me in bed!
So, this evening I finally check my email, and find that either Eduardo or Paula (the girl) have written a brief ¨hope you are really enjoying the place¨ email - no other words. And I respond with a lot of thanks (in preparation for my soft-tone tirade about to come...). I re-iterate why they need locks on the bedroom doors - not just the surprise stranger last night, but also today I found the apt door open & lights on, but no one inside. Just open there for anyone to come in & steal stuff. I also mentioned the funny smell in my bedroom & bathroom (I think I just realized that what I believe is probably glue or some other handyman´s material smells strangely similar to the seafood at the open-air market).
Stop laughing at me, [sister]. This didn´t happen to me b/c I´m cheap! Yes, I found them on RatesToGo, but they had good reviews & great photos. And the 2 other places I stayed at turned out more or less OK. This apt IS beautiful. The young folks running the business are IDIOTS. Not everyone is rich, my dear, and some of us have to save up for a year in Israel, possibly unemployed. So, gggrrrrrrrrr to you!!! ;-)
I´m hoping tomorrow is SUNNY. Enough gloom & freeeeeeezing!! I´m
going to buy the 2-day tour bus pass, since it takes you everywhere, practically, for 21 Euro. That´ll allow me to do all the
tour stuff Sat & Sun (want to see all the Gaudi stuff), and leave Monday for shopping & relaxing (my feet are dead!! muscle spasms daily).
I walked a lot today, down to the harbor & up through some of the Barrio Gotic. The old bullring doesn´t seem to even have off-season tours, unfortunately.
I walked there (2 mi each way) b/c the tour bus doesn´t have it on its path. I also went to the Picasso museum - I thought it was great - a lot of his stuff from age 14-19 (though they don´t let you take photos like they do in the Prado Museum, those meanies...).
OK, enough finally!! Hope you enjoyed my trials & tribulations. I´ll need a foot-spa soak when I return, for sure. Love,
- me