Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Don't wake me!

OK, sooooooo much to cover since getting back from my trip to TX & FL! I'll just have to pace myself, split stuff over a few days just to feel caught up.

While in FL at my mom's (with my brother's wife staying in mom's bedroom, with her 6-month old daughter & 2-year old son), she and I shared the pull-out sofa in the living room. She had asked if I'd mind when I first arrived, and of course I didn't - we're very close - I just joked that as long as she didn't snore, it'd be fine.

Monday night, my final evening there, I woke up from some great sleep to - you guessed it - snoring. Now, it wasn't anything like sawing wood or peeling paint off the wall, but it was enough to jar me from a pretty damn good dream... And worse yet, I suddenly had flashbacks of being in bed with my ex - arrrggghhhh! Him snoring away, and me, sleep-deprived, nudging in a whisper growing ever more annoyed & angry each time I had to repeat, "Shhhhhhhh! Sheket!" ("quiet" in Hebrew). It's a phrase I grew up hearing my mom grudgingly repeat almost nightly to my dad as he actually did peel the paint off our walls... My dad's snoring has since gotten so bad that walls in his other bedrooms literally vibrate! Anyway, she eventually awoke & surprisingly said "thank you" in half-sleep, and turned over. The ex would actually jolt awake & then get really mad at me for scaring him, saying I could've killed him that way.

It took a while to get icky-ex out of my head and back to dream-guy, having been so rudely interrupted.....


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