Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A nice, clean war

WARNING! Do not view these images (exposing the "visual sanitization of the war in Iraq") if you have a weak stomach or faint heart. I was just so shocked & mortified. OK, I wasn't a surprised kind of "shocked" - my family is from Israel, after all. I knew it was like this all along. My shock is more concerning how much the current administration is whitewashing the whole affair, and even more so, how much of American society - our own neighbors, friends and even family - actually seem to prefer to turn a blind eye.


Blogger Bree said...

Thanks for the warning and the really was eye-opening to see those images. If more people saw images like this, maybe more people would understand the nature of war. Well done, and thank you.

11/02/2005 10:22 PM  

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